December 8, 2000

Putin makes a political misstep in trip to Cuba

Jim Hoagland, Washington Post Writers Group. Chicago Tribune. December 8, 2000

WASHINGTON -- Russia's President Vladimir Putin will travel to Cuba next week on a journey that underlines the "assertive but positive" attitude he will adopt with the next president of the United States, according to a senior Russian official.

The timing of the trip--initially disclosed by U.S. sources--is ruffling feathers in the outgoing Clinton administration. Putin seems to some to be taking advantage of the long post-election limbo in Washington to poke a thumb in Washington's eye.

There are also questions about Putin including the head of Russia's atomic energy ministry on the trip. The Russian president will fly across U.S. airspace after visiting Havana to start a visit to Canada on Dec. 15.

The timing of the North American trip is unrelated to U.S. politics, the visiting official and other Russian sources insist. It was agreed on in September after Putin saw Cuban President Fidel Castro at the United Nations and postponed when Cuba needed more time to prepare.

Putin's biggest interest in the trip is described not as geopolitics but as finding ways to get Cuba to pay large Soviet-era debts.

Putin's decision to go ahead with the politically sensitive Cuba trip now nonetheless is an unintended signal of its own.

Russia and other nations are factoring into their own policies the effect of the contested American presidential election and the advent of a more evenly divided Congress. Inevitably, foreign powers see room to pursue their interests with more assertiveness. Among those openly intensifying challenges to U.S. power during the limbo are Iraq, which has shut off oil exports, Iran, which has intensified support for Islamic guerrilla operations against Israel, and Libya, which has increasingly flouted an international travel ban backed by Washington.

In his year in power, Putin has worked to deepen Russian ties with those three countries and with other Soviet-era clients. In his quest to collect back debts and open new markets for the Russian economy, he seems unconcerned about appearing to President Clinton to revive problems of the past rather than cooperate with the United States on the world's regional conflicts.

Putin's outlook on future cooperation with Washington is "assertive but positive," the visiting official countered, insisting that Putin's active Third World diplomacy is not directed against the United States.

The Russian president used a visit to North Korea "to introduce Kim Jong Il on the world stage as a different person," he continued. During her recent visit to Pyongyang, Secretary of State Madeleine Albright pursued proposals Putin originally made to restrain North Korean missile development.

Moscow and Washington resumed talks at the expert level this week on Russia's conventional arms sales to Iran, even though Russia on Dec. 1 formally canceled a secret U.S.-Russia understanding that sought to restrain those sales, the official added.

"Our attitude is not based on a memorandum. We can find ways to cooperate without that," the official said. "We continue to talk to Washington about U.S. concerns and try to understand them. We may not agree on all points, but we want a full and continuing dialogue with the next administration on this and other points, including arms control."

His comments, delivered with an unusual authority and precision for such semipublic utterances, sought to emphasize common points of interest as he sketched a rationale for Russia's constructive engagement with troublesome states:

"After all, President Clinton seemed at one point in his presidency to hope to visit Cuba, and maybe North Korea. When he was secretary of state, Jim Baker discussed how Moscow might help the United States normalize with Cuba. This is not intended as a signal."

But the Russian official acknowledged that the U.S. presidential campaign and the Nov. 7 election results create new questions abroad about Washington's attention, and intentions.

"With dialogue, we can get past" the campaign stereotype "that this relationship was conducted by a bunch of crooks in the Kremlin and a bunch of romantics in Washington. We averted more crises than is known, and created a basis for cooperating with the next administration."

But there is a new risk created by the disputes of the presidential election and the nearly even partisan divisions of the Senate and House, he concluded: "Foreign policy is always an easy target in time of domestic troubles, in any nation."

That is one reason Putin should have considered delaying the Cuba trip again. It may not be intended as a signal to Washington. But it will be an early window on a relationship that seems headed for rockier times.

Jim Hoagland is a syndicated writer based in Washington, D.C. E-mail:...


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