February 7, 2000

Maradona kicks off Cuban soccer game final held in his honor

By Anita Snow. .c The Associated Press

HAVANA, 6 (AP) - Soccer superstar Diego Maradona gave the first kick Sunday in Cuba's national soccer championship held to honor the former captain of the Argentine national team.

``I am totally proud to be able to be in this stadium and to see a Cuban football final,'' said Maradona, who is in Cuba for drug treatment.

``Diego! Diego! Diego!'' the crowd shouted as Maradona, looking much more rested than when he arrived here 2 1/2 weeks ago, strutted across the field and waved to the stands.

A roar went up when Maradona, wearing dark wraparound sunglasses with his new orange-blond hairdo, kicked the ball to start the game.

About 15,000 people attended the game at Havana's Pedro Marrero Stadium, in which Pinar de Rio beat Havana 2-1.

Although baseball is Cuba's national sport, Maradona's presence in Cuba appears to have ignited interest in soccer, which is extremely popular elsewhere in Latin America.

Maradona, 39, arrived in Cuba on Jan. 18 to undergo treatment for a heart condition and the cocaine addiction that caused it. Accompanied by a large entourage of family, friends and trainers, he is staying at a medical-oriented hotel for foreigners on the outskirts of Havana.

During his time here, Maradona has attracted attention by receiving a visit from President Fidel Castro and breaking a journalist's car window in apparent frustration over continual coverage of his movements around town.

Maradona has long had a conflictive relationship with the media and on Sunday yelled at cameramen and photographers to open a space so he could pass through and kick off the game.

Maradona chose to be treated in Cuba because of difficulties in obtaining a visa to the United States. Soccer's governing body suspended him for 15 months after he tested positive for stimulants during the 1994 World Cup in the United States.

AP-NY-02-06-00 1932EST

Copyright 2000 The Associated Press.



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