February 14, 2000


Hoist On Their Own Petard

Héctor Maseda, Grupo de Trabajo Decoro

HAVANA, February - A report by the "Empresa Mayorista Central Textil y del Calzado," (Central Stores for Clothing and Shoes) published on Monday February 24 in the weekly "Trabajadores," acknowledged receiving used clothes from Canada as a means of solving the problem of supplying clothing in national currency to the population who does not have access to dollars. That is, 95% of the population.

The shipments, according to the report, are received in 100 kilogram (220 pound) bundles in containers. Once received, they are fumigated and classified by type and sex, according to use. Then they are classified according to quality, and priced accordingly. About a third of the merchandise is sent to shops to be repaired and later is sold in dollar stores.

The whole enterprise is good business... for the State concern that administers it. Obviously, the prices paid wholesale are low, taking into account that we are talking about second-hand goods.

The report does not take into account other sources that feed the business, such as clothing confiscated to Cubans who come into the island to visit, or those taken from Cubans who leave the island. The supply of these goods is even cheaper.

The report does not tell about sanitary controls to which the clothing should be subject upon coming into the country. It should be noted that not all germs and bacteria are eliminated by fumigation. Not even Canada is exempt from these small and invisible enemies.

At the sale end, the report acknowledges that some buyers complain about high prices that are beyond their means, given their earnings.

The most important conclusion that the report does not offer: At last the authorities have allowed that they are incapable of meeting, with our own resources, the needs of the population. Might as well clarify that this applies equally to every aspect of life in Cuba. But at least it's a start.

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