November 1, 2000

'Big scope of Pak-Cuba co-operation in various fields'

Business Recorder. November 1, 2000.

ISLAMABAD (November 1) : Pakistan and Cuba enjoy good bilateral relations with large scope of co-operation in different fields, Deputy Foreign Minister of Cuba Jose Armando Guerra Menchero said here on Tuesday.

Both the countries have interaction at the multilateral forums and (they) respect each other," he said while delivering a talk at the Institute of Strategic Studies here.

The two countries, he said do not involve in the internal affairs of each other and "I am happy the way the bilateral relations are moving".

Menchero, who served as Cuban Ambassador to Pakistan from 1992-96, said both the countries are "under developing" and have large scope of co-operation like in the field of Bio-Technology which "Cuba has best in the world".

In an hour long talk on "Present day Cuba: Internal situation and its stand on international affairs," the Cuban minister touched upon the developments his country made during the last decade.

On the international affairs, he mainly talked about US-Cuba relations and the role the Cuban army played in the "decolonisation" of African countries.

Cuba today has 100 percent literacy rate and education is compulsory up to 9-grade, he said adding it is totally free to the university level. Presently there are 22 universities in Cuba.

He described the decade of 1990s as the most difficult time of the Revolutionary period when Cuba had to face "blockade" imposed by the United States.-APP

Foreign Minister receives Cuban counterpart's letter

ISLAMABAD (November 1) : Jose A. Guerra Menchero, Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs of Cuba, called on Foreign Minister Abdul Sattar here on Tuesday and handed over a letter addressed to him by Cuban Foreign Minister Felipe Perez Roque.

During the meeting, bilateral matters and issues of international interest especially in the context of G-77 and NAM were discussed.

The Cuban vice minister held substantive talks with his counterpart Ali Sarwar Naqvi, Additional Secretary (Americas) as well as other senior officials at the Foreign Office, it was officially stated here.

Later, Menchero attended a lunch hosted in his honour by the Foreign Office.

During the visit, Menchero is also holding meetings with senior officials of the ministries of Science and Technology and Commerce.-APP

Copyright 2000 APP (Published under arrangement with Associated Press of Pakistan)


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