November 30, 2001

Cuba News

Puente Informativo

Puente Informativo Cuba Miami

Political prisoner brutaly beaten in Combinado of Guantánamo

(GUANTÁNAMO,CUBA, November 21, 2001) –On November 19, the political prisoner Julián Hernández López, 23 years old, was victim of a brutal and inhumane beating, under orders from Luís Orlando Casamayor and executed by Captain Reynaldo and Official Soler, which rendered him unconscious for several hours.

Hernández López is confined on Floor 4B, Cubicle 2 of said prison. He is serving a 5 year prison sentence where he is suffering physical abuses and psychological torture and 10 years of exile, for the simple supposed crime of illegal exit. He has remained for more than one year in a punishment cell in a section of the prison known as "Death Lane". On many occasions, he has been denied medical assistance in spite of his suffering from hypertension and hipoglucemia, and diabetes, illnesses that they have not considered when they continue subjecting this prisoner to cruel and inhumane treatments.

Reported, Ferdinando Castro de Lardiller, Delegate in Guantánamo of the Democratic Party November 30 "Frank País". For For the Information Bridge Cuba Miami. Given on November 26, 2001

Member of peaceful opposition detained for trying to reach Guantánamo Base


(GUANTÁNAMO, CUBA, November 21,2001) - The 31 year old member of the peaceful opposition, Alexander Lobaina Jiménez, resident of Calle Martí Number 365 and /5 and 6 Norte, Guantánamo, is presently detained in the Department of Operations of the State Security after a failed attempt to reach the (United States) Naval Base in Guantánamo. He was accompanied by 17 year old Alberto Martínez Martínez.

On April of 1996, Lobaina Jiménez was caught trying to enter the Naval Base to seek political asylum. He was held there until July 12, 1996 when he was repatriated to Cuba. On January 8th, 1997 he tried to get to the Base once again, he was caught... again, and was repatriated on the 21st of January.

Due to his close ties with the peaceful opposition this young man is constantly harassed, pursued, abused and under surveillance by the Department of State Security. On several occasions he has been detained without have committed any crime, so much so, that his case has been brought to the attention of the International Public Opinion several times. This kind of life has caused a total state of psychological depression in his young wife and five year old son.

After being denied a refugee visa, (he is registered with the number CU 36494) facing a life of constant harassment as well as the fear of being sent to prison is what made him decide to get to the Naval Base and once there request political asylum. He took with him the documents needed to prove the pressure he was under.

Now he is behind bars in this torturous place, where the most severe and unscrupulous methods, characteristic of communist regimes, are enforced. He will be tried in a Tribunal that will condemn him to at least 5 years of prison.

However, On page 4 of the official press of the Communist Party, GRANMA, dated December 14th of 2000, an article reads, "nobody is forced to live where he or she doesn't want to be", and the article continues on to accuse the United States Government for being responsible for the so called criminal Law of "Ajuste Cubano" (Cuban Adjustment Act).

Nonetheless, immigration is a universal right, the hypocritical Cuban Government says it's not opposed to immigration, however they do violate the human rights of those who try to exert that right.

Reported, Ferdinando Castro de Lardiller, Delegate in Guantánamo of the Democratic Party November 30 "Frank País". For The Information Bridge Cuba Miami. Given on November 26, 2001. Dado el 26 de noviembre del 2001.

Former National Revolutionary Police official tries to take his life

(GUANTÁNAMO, CUBA, November 24, 2001) - Síxto de la Torre, a 34 year old man, natural of Baracoa, Guantánamo and a former official of the Criminal Department of the National Revolutionary Police (PNR) tried to kill himself while serving an 8 year sentence in the prison Combinado of Guantánamo.

De la Torre, who suffers from chronic schizophrenia, was transferred to the infirmary of the prison on November 19th, after attempting for a third time to take his life.

The incident occurred due to a beating he received at the hands of the official Orlenis Rusiell Castle, former chief of discipline, under orders from the penitentiary warden, Lieutenant Colonel Jorge Chediax Pérez and in which he received minor injuries and his family visits were suspended. This type of abuse is frequent against this former government official.

On several occasions, Sixto has requested of the chief of department, Armando Dominguez, to get him medical help for his condition and it has been denied.

Acts such as these are evidence of the cruel and inhumane treatment of the dictator Fidel Castro's prisoners.

By Ferdinando Castro de Lardiller, Delegate in Guantánamo of the Democratic Party 30 of November "Frank País". To the Information Bridge Cuba Miami. Given on November 26, 2001


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