July 22, 2004


U.S. Grants 20,000th Cuban Immigrant Visa

By Vanessa Arrington, Associated Press Writer

HAVANA, 22 (AP) - America's top diplomat to Cuba said on Wednesday the United States has fulfilled its commitment this year to grant permanent immigration visas to at least 20,000 Cubans, and it was now Cuba's turn to honor its obligations under migration accords.

"We've done our part," said James Cason, chief of the U.S. Interests Section in Havana.

The migration accords were established in the mid-1990s to promote legal, orderly migration between the two countries. Under the agreement, the United States must provide at least 20,000 visas to Cubans annually, and Cuba is to discourage its citizens from making risky attempts to immigrate illegally to the United States.

Cason complained that a lack of access by the American mission to the government-controlled Cuban press keeps people uninformed about safe ways to migrate. He called Cuban claims that the United States wants to provoke a mass migration crisis "totally false."

The United States will continue granting visas to as many other Cubans as possible this year in order to provide a safe, legal way off the island, he said.

"We want to publicize this, to let them know we're here, and that you don't have to go by sea," Cason said.

Thousands each year leave communist Cuba by small boat, raft and even car tire, in hopes of reaching the United States. It is not clear how many of them die during the journey, though Cason said less than a thousand a year make it to U.S. shores.

Under the U.S. wet-foot, dry-foot policy, Cubans intercepted at sea are typically returned, while those who reach land are usually allowed to stay.

Cason said Cuban authorities should allow American diplomats to visit repatriated migrants in the countryside to monitor whether they are being penalized, as well as accept the return of all Cuban nationals the United States wants to deport.

He called on Cuba to grant the United States the use of a deeper port in Cuba for repatriations, which would allow the U.S. Coast Guard (news - web sites) to use its larger vessels to return migrants, freeing up smaller ones for patrols.

The U.S. Interest Section issued its 20,000th immigration visa on July 16. This year, in a fiscal period ending Sept. 30, it hopes to surpass the 21,075 visas granted through the end of September last year.

Some 250,000 Cubans have moved to the United States under the migration accords, Cason said.

Cubans "have no hope," he said. "They don't believe in the revolution. They have a failing economic system. They have no political freedoms. They want to leave."

The United States suspended formal U.S.-Cuba migration talks in January, saying Cuba refused to discuss key issues.

Ailing Maradona at odds with ex-wife over Cuba return

BUENOS AIRES, 20 (AFP) - Maradona is engaged in a battle with his ex-wife and daughters over where the ailing Argentine football legend should go next to treat his cocaine addiction.

Maradona is due to leave a psychiatric clinic where he has been receiving treatment since May in the next few weeks - from there he wants to return to the drugs rehabilitation centre in Cuba where he has lived since 2000, and after that Switzerland.

He is supported by his doctor, Alfredo Cahe, and lawyers - Oscar Moyano and Roberto Damboriana.

But a close family friend who wished to remain unnamed told AFP Tuesday that his former wife Claudia Villafane and his daughters Dalma and Giannina are trying hard to keep him in Argentina.

They want Maradona to return to the country estate of a friend where he was taken in between hospital visits in April.

They plan to equip the house to deal with the stricken World Cup winner's medical needs and in this they are supported by a team of psychiatrists and government agencies.

If no common ground is found a local court has authority to rule on Maradona' next step.

The 43-year-old Maradona came close to death in April when he was admitted to hospital here with heart and lung problems.


Eddie Cockrell. Variety, July 19, 2004.

Cuba completists rep the main audience for "Madre Cuba," a glacially paced "documentary" in which a silent femme photographer spends 24 hours walking around contempo Havana before jumping off a cliff. Despite being scripted like a feature, pic has a docu feel and was actually programmed in the nonfiction competish section at the Karlovy Vary fest; subsequent opportunities are limited to niche ancillary.

Appearing to be around 30, protag is slow to rise in the morning as she prepares a real-time breakfast. Sequence sets the tempo for the remainder of the "action," as she brushes her teeth, hangs her laundry, waits for a bus and walks in the country before throwing herself into the sea. Unlike Chantal Akerman's similarly conceived landmark 1976 work "Jeanne Dielman," the proceedings prompt more apathy than tension. Writer-director Salomon Shang succeeds in illuminating the wretched living conditions along her route, though auds will need the press kit to learn the woman is depressed over a mysterious separation from her son (later, a child's photo is superimposed over her floating body). Tech credits are capable, with the mournful, apprehensive score a plus.


A Kaplan presentation and production, in association with Catalan TV, ICIC. (International sales: Indisa, Barcelona.) Produced by Josep L. Garcia, Alberto del Val.

Directed, written by Salomon Shang. Camera (color), Santiago Yanes; editor, Patricia Roda; music, Markland's Tune. Reviewed at Karlovy Vary Film Festival (documentary competition), July 8, 2004. Running time: 98 MIN.

With: Cirenaica Moreira.



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