September 23, 2005

Imprisoned journalist enters third week of hunger strike

Reporters Without Borders, September 23, 2005.

Reporters Without Borders voiced deep concern about the condition of imprisoned journalist Victor Rolando Arroyo Carmona, who today began his third week on hunger strike.

His wife, Elsa González Padrón, said he was transferred to a hospital in the southeastern city of Guantánamo on 17 September but is refusing a drip and is extremely dehydrated. He has been detained since March 2003.

"The Cuban government does not stop at silencing independent journalists, it also lets them die slowly in dreadful prison conditions," Reporters Without Borders said. "Arroyo's hunger strike worries us all the more as he is already very debilitated by more than two years in Cuban jails. We hope at the very least that he will get an improvement in conditions and we reiterate our call to the government for the release of all of the 23 journalists currently in prison."

Arroyo reportedly went on hunger strike in protest against mistreatment, in particular, the psychological torture to which he is subjected by certain prison staff. He is often put in a punishment cell and does not get the treatment he needs for chronic ailments. Fellow prisoner of conscience Félix Navarro has also reportedly been on hunger strike for nearly 10 days in solidarity with Arroyo.

González, who has not been able to visit her husband for nearly four months, was turned back at the entrance to the Guantánamo hospital when she tried to visit him on 22 September.

Aged 53, Arroyo is a member of the Union of Cuban Journalists and Writers. He was arrested during the spring 2003 crackdown on dissidents and independent journalists and was sentenced on 30 March 2003 to 26 years in prison.

Mirtha Wong has meanwhile said she is worried about the state of health of her husband, Oscar Mario González, who was arrested on 25 July and is awaiting trial for allegedly violating the draconian Law 88. She has called for husband's release until the trial, in which he faces a possible sentence of more than 20 years in prison.

Reporters Without Borders defends imprisoned journalists and press freedom throughout the world, as well as the right to inform the public and to be informed, in accordance with Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Reporters Without Borders has nine national sections (in Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom), representatives in Abidjan, Bangkok, Istanbul, Montreal, Moscow, New York, Tokyo and Washington and more than a hundred correspondents worldwide.

Americans travel to Cuba with it's just the kids, Inc. to join Cuban families to build playgrounds in four Havana neighborhoods

SAN DIEGO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Sept. 22, 2005--Hardly anyone receives permission to travel here for any purpose, but on September 24, two 30-passenger aircraft will leave Miami International Airport in Florida with over 50 enthusiastic volunteers to travel to the island of Cuba to participate in a project whose goal is to build four playgrounds in one week for the children of Havana. These American volunteers will join local Cuban families to assemble and erect new swing sets, climbing structures, crawling tubes, triple twists, turbo towers, infant playhouses and many more pieces of the latest playground equipment.

This project was the idea of an entrepreneur and real estate investor, Bill Hauf, who six years ago formed a nonprofit foundation, It's Just The Kids, Inc., to fulfill the unrealized dreams of children. Hauf's organization will construct four brand new playgrounds in record time, utilizing American volunteers working alongside Cuban family members, building friendships as well as playgrounds.

No PlayStation, X-Box or Nintendo for these children: only the latest in playground equipment that will take these children off traffic filled streets to the safety of a new neighborhood park playground.

Two years ago, in May 2003, Hauf's organization built three similar playgrounds after investing four years of tenacious effort in the bureaucratic process. Finally, he received the approvals necessary from both governments to build these playgrounds, which took a quarter million dollars and 100 Americans working in friendship with Cuban family members to assemble and erect this equipment.

Cuba may be miles apart in geography, but for one short week, through the joint efforts of caring people and a common goal, the people, if not the countries, got a little closer together.

With the intent to continue the success they achieved two years before, 50 American volunteers will arrive in Cuba on Saturday morning, September 24. They will immediately head for their hotel for a quick check-in, light lunch and then be sped across Havana Harbor to the neighborhood of Cotterro to start unpacking shipping containers, sorting parts, pouring concrete, assembling structures and erecting playground structures for the first of the four playground sites. No time will be lost by these volunteers in trying to fulfill these children's dreams.

Language may be a barrier for some, but no lack of translation can hide the joy in friendship as people of two cultures meet and make new friends and form new bonds that transcend generations.

At night the group will enjoy Cuban family hospitality, listen to Cuban music, savor Cuban food, maybe see a ballet or baseball game and learn about Cuban culture and life in modern day Havana.

The week will conclude with ribbon cutting ceremonies and a farewell celebration dinner on Friday night, where Cuban families will join with their American counterparts for an exchange of addresses and a plethora of thank yous and mutual gratitude for such a rewarding experience.

It's Just the Kids, Inc. is a nonprofit corporation dedicated to the needs of children at home and around the world. Its goal is to help children by providing that which is necessary to promote their physical and mental health and development. Safe playground equipment in family neighborhoods is one way to reach that goal and to enhance the emotional, physical and psychological quality of children's lives.

To learn more about this program, visit:


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