Homeless dies, remains in the street

Toxic products transported through city

Operations suspended for lack of blood

Sanitation poor at AIDS sanatorium


Diabetic says ironically will have to go to Venezuela for treatment

Disposable plastic glasses reused in bars and cafeterias

Water Crisis

Operation postponed for lack of blood plasma

Shortage of doctors results in the closure of five clinics

Sanitary facilities stolen at close of carnival

Infant's death attributed to medical negligence, fight ensues

Eight newborns died in June in Havana hospital

Medical transportation unavailable for distressed two-year-old

Rice sold under rationing plan had worms in it

Residents surprised by new clinic

No aspirin in Cienfuegos' pharmacies

Hospital has no running water

Sanitary authorities spray for mosquitoes in Ranchuelo

Hepatitis in drinking water causes alarm in Cienfuegos

Friends of critical woman claim malpractice

Medical post closed for lack of doctors

AIDS medicines scarce in sanatorium in Cuba

Ranchuelo waterworks pumping untreated water

Paramilitary personnel trained as medical techs for deployment to Venezuela

AIDS numbers slightly up

Patients upset about shuttered polyclinic

Rare private doctors fill medical gaps

Rural Cuban hospital suffers transportation woes


No running water in Pinar del Río

Havana neighborhood without water for five months

Cuban fisherman dies for lack of an ambulance

HIV cases on the upswing in Pinar del Río

Havana park has become garbage dump '

Cuban soap grows hair, causes rashes

Municipal sewage system backed up for 7 months

Fifty students in Cuba sick from contaminated water

Cuban polyclinic at a standstill due to lack of electricity

Shortage of doctors in AIDS sanatorium in Cuba

Bar soap AWOL from the shelves since August in Santa Clara

More Cuban physicians to be sent to Venezuela

45,000 without water in Havana

Open sewer threatens community

Authorities in Cuba release decomposing food for sale

Doctor shortage closes dispensaries in Cuba

Dysentery outbreak among medical graduates

Residents in Cuba concerned about overflowing septic tanks

Woman dies after five-hour wait for ambulance

Havana's showcase hospital refurbished to treat health tourists

Residents complain about subpar medical services

All 10 medical dispensaries in community closed for lack of doctors

Maternity ward in Cuba closed for lack of nurses

No sutures in Havana hospitals

Someone forgot to plan for a supply room in newly-built polyclinic in Cuba

Vitamins are hard to find in Havana pharmacies

Cuban women must register to be able to buy sanitary pads

The dispatch of doctors to Venezuela causes shortage in medical services in Cuba

Soap and detergent in short supply in dollar markets in eastern Cuba

Spoiled yogurt sold to sick Cuban children


Elective surgery suspended indefinitely in Havana hospitals / Grupo Decoro

Pharmacies in Havana province lack insulin / Grupo Decoro

Penicillin withdrawn from pharmacies and hospitals in Guines / Grupo Decoro


Sewer leaks at teachers' college / Cuba-Verdad

Havana hospital ordered closed / Lux Info Press

Health minister asks tighter restrictions on doctors who want to emigrate / Decoro

Patient dies for lack of oxygen mask / Lux Info Press

Provincial capital goes without ambulance service / UPECI

Students work barefoot on the fields / APLO

Deplorable conditions in hospital outside Havana / Grupo Decoro

Diabetics face difficulties / Lux Info Press

Contaminated water causes dysentery in Matanzas province / UPECI

Sanitation in maternity hospital deplorable, say patients / Lux Info Press

Measures to increase numbers of nurses cause uproar / Grupo Decoro

No medical services for rural community / Ernesto Roque

Medical students refuse to graduate in attempt to skirt restrictions / UPECI

Hospital administrators take up collection to repair water pump / Grupo Decoro

Decomposing beef placed on sale / AIDH

Eight pavillions closed in hospital for lack of nurses / Lux Info Press

Officials try to prevent free medical services / UPECI

Physician who saw patients without charge is punished / UPECI

Municipal workers dump human waste in river / Grupo Decoro

Almost half the ambulances in the province are out of service / UPECI

Sanitation standards drop after campaign ends / Cuba-Verdad

Women protest poor hospital conditions / Grupo Decoro

Eight pavillions closed in hospital for lack of nurses / Lux Info Press

Broken bones no longer justification for medical transportation / Grupo Decoro

Physicians in Matagua complain about working conditions / Grupo Decoro

Independent pharmacy opens its doors in Isla de la Juventud / UPECI

Physician censored for pointing patient to private practitioner / UPECI

Officials block independent peer-review of obstetric cases / UPECI

Hospital staff complains of malnutrition / Cuba-Verdad

Independent physician denied access to patients' charts / UPECI

Pharmacy building collapses in provincial town / Cuba-Verdad

Havana sanitation poor in spite of recent campaign / Cuba- Verdad

Rodents eat hospital patients' food / CPIC

Sewer authority dumps human waste in cane field / CPIC

Hospital administrator fired, evicted, over criticism / Grupo Decoro

Cuban-made parasiticide available only for dollars; only for foreigners / Reinaldo Cosano Alén

Increased sanitary controls after dengue death / Cuba-Verdad

Lack of fuel will put a stop to sanitation drive / UPECI

Public health system deteriorates in Güines / Grupo Decoro

Government pressures independent medical office / UPECI

Students must donate blood as part of school program / Grupo Decoro

Ambulances must carry three patients at a time / CPIC

Santiago residents consume contaminated water / BPPIL

One student dead in school meningitis outbreak / APLA

Contagious diseases on the increase in Pinar del Río / UPECI

Independent doctor's office opens its door to residents / UPECI

Young patients are transported in horse-drawn carts / CPIC

Government steps up campaign against dengue fever / Cuba-Verdad

More than 200 hundred students hospitalized with unknown ailment / UPECI

No medicines for young patient, mother appeals to Cubans abroad / Cuba-Verdad

No fuel for ambulances / Lux InfoPress


Dispensary falling apart three months after it was built / CPIC

The sign goes, the trash stays / Cuba-Verdad

Dental clinic has been out of service for eighteen months / Grupo Decoro

Dengue victim dies in Havana / Grupo Decoro

Analgesic balm sold in black market / UPECI

Delays in surgery cost patients' limbs / AIDH

Town under brucellosis alert / CPIC

More than 100 cases of leptospirosis in Pinar del Río / CNP

Food in the Amalia Simoni Hospital is being stolen / CPIC

Do the Cuban medical missions represent solidarity or dollarization? / Regina del Sol and Alejandro Hernández

There are no aspirins in Arroyo Naranjo / Cuba-Verdad

Hospital elevator out of order for a month / CPIC

Many Cuban doctors abroad don't want to return / Juan Carlos Linares

Sterile gloves for medical use - neither from here nor from there / UPECI

Local clinic cannot perform blood tests / Juan Carlos Linares

Meningitis outbreak among children in central Cuba / CPIC

Authorities acknowledge cases of dengue in Havana / Cuba-Verdad

More than 70 die of influenza in four months / APLO

Meningitis outbreak in Havana; officials silent / Juan Carlos Linares

Family doctors must inform on patients who take in boarders / Cuba Voz

Havana hospital lacks running water, sends patients home / Cuba-Verdad

Public health vice minister decrees regional quarantine on dengue alert / Cuba Voz

Half million residents of Granma province without effective medical care / APSIC

A disillusioned international doctor / Grupo Decoro

Lack of sterilization equipment affects patients / CPIC

Medicines languish in warehouse as they are needed in hospitals / APSIC

Hemorrhagic dengue and mosquito population in Ranchuelo / CNP

Broken air conditioner causes Havana's flagship hospital to close wing / Cuba Voz

Shortage of hypodermic needles in Santiago de Cuba hospitals / APLO

New strain of dengue fever in Havana / Cuba-Verdad

120 neighborhoods classified as unhealthy / UPECI

Doctors go on hunger strike in Santiago de Cuba / APLO

Manicurist removes stitches / UPECI

Cortés residents have no medical service / APSIC

Hospital's operating room closed indefinitely / Cuba Voz

Dark humor to deal with poor conditions at Havana hospital / Cuba-Verdad

Polyclinic in East Havana literally falling apart / Reinaldo Cosano Alén

Hepatitis outbreak in western Cuba / UPECI

Psychiatric hospital cannot control inmates / CPIC

Prisoner of conscience dies in prison / AIDH

Cuban physicians find their own ways out / Sunset Nogueras Rofes

Young mother loses baby for lack of an ambulance / APSIC

Young woman dies before receiving medical attention / CPIC

Patients may wait hours for an ambulance / UPECI

Outdated birth control pills sold to consumers / CPIC

Polyclinic is falling apart in spite of taxes collected to support it / UPECI

Critical shortage of reagents for clinical labs / Reinaldo Cosano Alén

Inmate dies due to lack of medical attention / UPECI

No dollars to repair ambulance's flat tire / Cuba-Verdad

Regional hospital in critical condition / Lux InfoPress

Hospital patients carry their own water if they wish to wash / APLO

Cuban refused medical care at the hospital for not being a foreigner / UPECI

Hospital administrator repairs his car with ambulance engine / Cuba Voz

Patients mistreated at León Cuervo Hospital / UPECI

Operating rooms in Guantánamo hospital not up to standards / APSIC

Residents of Pinar de Río fear mosquito onslaught / UPECI

Poor conditions in Guantánamo provincial hospital / APSIC

Fumigating with diesel fuel may be a health hazard / APO

Where are the ambulances APLO

Public health authorities attempt to immunize at-risk patients with insufficient doses of gamma globulin / Dr. Sunset Nogueras Rofes

Patients complain about shortcomings in medical service Cuba-Verdad

Municipal hospital has no x-ray equipment in working order Cuba-Verdad

Free universal health care in Cuba is not free / Lux InfoPress

Doctors forbidden to write prescriptions for medicines donated by catholic charity / Cuba-Verdad

Ambulances scarce in Havana / Cuba-Verdad


X-rays only available in case of accident / Carlos Alberto Domínguez

Neither medicines nor ambulance at local hospital / Cuba-Verdad

Scarce medical specialists to be sent abroad / Cuba-Verdad

Health is the right of the people / UPECI

Rules and regulations; immunizations for ten / APO

Family doctors not familiar to Cubans / Cuba-Verdad

No supplies to treat burn victims in Havana hospital / Cuba-Verdad

Patients must travel 45 miles for X-Rays / cuba-verdad

Tranquilizers are in short supply in Cuba / AFPCP

Public Health Ministry covers up dengue outbreaks / AFPCP

Polyclinic converted to hostel / AFPCP

Havana hospitals are filthy / CPI

Citizens unhappy about offer to send doctors to Africa / CPI

Students' health endangered in school in the countryside / CPI

Possible aids contagion in hospital / Decoro

September 2000

Mixing medicines due to lack of distilled water / UPECI

Havana hospital lacks running water / Tamarindo 34

Cubans settle for veterinary vitamins / UPECI

Out of date medicines sold by public health authorities / UPECI

Health ministry inspections ineffective / CPI

Cuban doctor fired for silent protest / APLO

Physicians scarce in children's hospital in Havana / ANC

Meningitis outbreak in eastern Cuba / APLO

Dismal conditions in Cuban hospitals / Grupo Decoro

Dental clinic has little to show for the money / Cuba Voz

Leptospirosis outbreak in Sancti Spíritus centered in Fomento / Cuba-Verdad

Pharmacies sell past-dated drugs and contraceptives by order of the Ministry / Cuba-Verdad

Cuban hospital washes clothes with toothpaste / APLO

TB Outbreak In Pinar Del Río Treated With Herbal Medicine / Regina del Sol

Bounced Around With Head Wound / UPECI

Public Health Concerns In Havana Not Addressed By Authorities / Oswaldo de Céspedes / CPI

Havana Policlinic In Critical Condition / Tania Diaz Castro

Offices Given Preference Over Operating Rooms In Cienfuegos Hospital / Dr. Sunset Nogueras Rofes

Lies In Death Certificates Manipulate Statistics / Dr. Sunset Nogueras Rofes

Encephalomyelitis Epidemic In Matanzas / Cuba Press

Meningitis Epidemic Spreads In Cienfuegos / Cuba-Verdad

Cuba's Doctors In Their Own Words / Lázaro Echemendía / Cuba Press

Meningitis Epidemic In Cuba / Cuba-Verdad

Bureaucratic Frustration For Patients In Need Of Medicine / PSD

Medicines, Surplus Or Scarcity? / CPI

Lack Of Ambulance Costs Mother Her Baby / ANC

In Placetas, Only Children and Expectant Mothers Get Lab Tests / Héctor Trujillo Pis

Lack of Medical Supplies Affecting Patients / Grupo Decoro

AIDS Patients Get Substandard Care / Cuba Press

Hospital Finances Diseased / Agencia Libertad

Inadequate Medical Attention for Injured Worker / Cuba Press