Analysis of the Proyecto Varela (Cont.)

In black is the original text of the Varela Project.
In bold black are the number of the articles.
In blue is the analysis of New Generation Cuba
In bold italic blue are the articles of Cuba's Constitution
In bold blue are the articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

(All comments are inserted inside de original document)

Articles recommended by New Generation Cuba

Even though Payá does not recommend the following articles, New Generation Cuba refutes the "Proyecto Varela" with them, and they will probably be used by the Tyrant, on his answer to the "Proyecto" if he does not approves it.


Art. 3 "...All the citizens have the right to combat by all means, including armed fight whenever there is no other possibility, against anyone that attempts to overthrow the political, social and economic order, established bythis Constitution."

Art. 5 "Cuba’s Communist Party, Marti’s and Marxist-Leninist, the organized vanguard of the Cuban nation, is the superior leading force of the society and the State, that organizes and guides, the common efforts aimed to achieve the high ends of the construction of the socialism and the advance toward the communist society."

Art. 12 "The Republic of Cuba makes its own the anti-imperialist and internationalist principles

d) condemns the imperialism, promoter and supporter of all the fascists, colonialists, neo-colonialists, and racists manifestations, as the main force of aggressionand war and the worst enemy of the people ..."

Art. 13 "The Republic of Cuba grants political asylum to the persecuted by his ideals or fights for the democratic rights, against the imperialism, the fascism, the colonialism, the neo-colonialism..."

Art. 15 "They are Socialist State’s property of the people:

a) the lands that do not belong to the small farmers or to integrated cooperatives and through this: the subsoil, the mines,... the forest, the waters, the meansof communication;

b) the sugar mills, the factories, the principal ways of transportation, and all of the enterprises, banks and facilities expropriated from the imperialists, the land tenures, and bourgeoisie, such as, factories, enterprises and economic facilities, scientific centers, sports, cultural, and social centers, fomented by the State and the ones fomented and build, in the future everywhere....."

Art. 53 "The citizens’ freedom of speech and press is recognized in conformity to the aims of the socialist society. The material conditions for its exercise are given by the fact that the press, the radio, the television, the movie industry and other means of massive diffusion are the property of the state or social property and can not be in any case, of private property; thus assuring their use to the exclusive service of the working people and the interest of the society.

The Law regulates the exercise of these liberties."

Art. 56 "The residence is inviolable. Nobody may penetrate against the will of the inhabitant, with the exception of the cases dictated by the law."

Art. 62 "...None of the liberties recognized to the citizens maybe exercised against what is established in the Constitution and the laws, neither against the existence and aims of the socialist State, nor against the decision of the Cuban people of constructing the socialism and the communism. The infraction to this principle is punishable."

Art. 132 "Have the right to vote all Cubans, men and women, olderthan sixteen years of age, excepting:

a-) the mentally incapacitated, previously and judicially declaring their incapacity.

b-) the ones with a judicial inability for cause of a crime

Art. 137 "...and it is proposed that the socialist characteristics and the political and social system contained within, be declared irrevocable,as a dignified and

categorical answer to the exigencies and threats of the imperialist government of the United States in May 20,2002."

"For the whole text of Cuba’s Communist Constitution of 1976.


New Generation Cuba Conclusions

New Generation Cuba salutes Payá’s work and achievements,Osvaldo Payá, is a Christian Liberation Movement activist that took the fear of becoming Oppositionists off the heart of some eleven thousand signers of his "Proyecto Varela" with that we agree, but we will never agree on the position adopted by him on his "Proyecto Varela".

In the article 2.A. (page 14) of the "Proyecto Varela", Payá excludes the political prisoners who have committed violent actsfrom the Amnesty many of this "violent prisoners" had their cases fabricated, some where declared as "insane" who are also excluded from voting on the "Proyecto Varela" art.4.A.4.1. (page 15) all ex-prisoners and mental patients are excluded from voting as per art.132 (page 21)of the 1976 Constitution. and where confined at the infamous Mazorra, a psychiatric Hospital where oppositionists were tortured on a daily basis and others suffered imprisonment in Castro’s UMAP camps, a concentration camp nazi style were all oppositionists: intellectuals, Catholics and Christians ingeneral, Masons, Union representatives, etc were sent in order to isolate them from the rest of the society, and to pay their "debt with the Revolution" doing forced labor in Cuba’s agriculture sector before their forced or "volunteered" exile.

In Cuba none of the individuals known as political prisoners are convicted under the charges of being against the Government. They are usually charged instead,with common crimes, so before the eyes of the International Community, Cuba hasstatistically fewer political prisoners than in reality. The most common of these "charges" are: "resistance to arrest", "disorderly conduct", "disrespect", "contempt", etc.

The "Proyecto Varela":

1- Is taking to the voting booth the Rights and Freedom that we are born with, those Human Rights are inalienable, as per the Universal Declaration of the Human Rights, of which Cuba is a signer.

2- It legitimizes the Tyranny by basing the "Proyecto Varela" on the Communist Constitution of 1976, a Constitution that was imposed to the people of Cuba by the Delegates of the only legal Party inside of Cuba, the people did not vote for it, this makes it illegal.

3- It does not recognizes the heroic acts of the Historical Political Prisoners, discriminates the political prisoners in its Amnesty, all political prisonerswith real or fictitious charges against the Tyranny and all political prisonerswith "mental illness" are exempt from being free, and thus unable to vote on its proposed referendum.

4- It forbids the Exiled community to participate in the political arena ofour Homeland for one year, allowing the Communist Elite in the country to shareamong them the political and economical control of the Island.

"Proyecto Varela" fails to make its first article or focal point, the derogation of the 1976 Communist Constitution, which takes all the liberties away, specifically on the Art. 62 "...None of the liberties recognized to the citizens may be exercised against what is established in theConstitution and the laws, neither against the existence and aims of the socialist State, nor against the decision of the Cuban people of constructing the socialism and the communism. The infraction to this principle is punishable." By trying to insert themselves into the 1976 Communist Constitution they are legitimizing such Constitution and the Tyranny it represents.

Payá is trying to use the "Proyecto Varela" to make changes to the law, from within, as his followers repeat time and again. But this is an experiment extremely dangerous, because it might give the Communist Party the perfect weapon to perpetuate itself in the power, this time legally. The Communist Party would achieve this by manipulating the results from the "Referendum", that way maintaining itself in power and leaving the Cuban People with less and less rights. A Deputy or two on the National Assembly representing the dissidents is not match against the more than six hundred delegates chosen by the tyrant himself from among the Communist Party’s ranks.

Even if the six hundred Deputies were dissidents against Castro, they will be powerless against his totalitarian State because it’s not the National Assemblythe one with the power to change the Law, the State Counsel presided by Castro himself is the one who oversights, and approves or disapproves any newly presented Laws.

The EEC or European Economic Community, Spain, Canada, Mexico, and the CatholicChurch are backing the "Proyecto Varela" because by sending one or more dissidents to Cuba’s National Assembly, the Tyranny will sendthe message of a political aperture. After this the EEC, Canada, Spain etc, will pressure the United States to lift the "embargo" against theTyranny with the argument of a softening by Castro’s regime and the millions of dollars that will enter Castro’s coffers will strengthen and perpetuate his regime in power. After all this the EEC and company will not loose the millions that their governments and some private companies have spend in Cuba.

In the article 4.A.4.3. (page 16) of his "Proyecto Varela" when Payá states that in order to become a candidate they have to live for at least one year in Cuba he is excluding the Exiled community for one year, and thus giving time to the "Elite" of the Communist Party to carve up their share of what’s left of Cuba’s treasury, this "Elite" will probably make new Laws forbidding the Cuban people, the Cuban-Americans, and the Americans who had any properties in pre-Castro’s Cuba from any future lawsuits as compensation from confiscated and stolen property and from the exploitation of the Cuban workers by some of the mix industries with permission to operate in Cuba. (page 6)

This looks like a new "Paris Treaty" but this time not only the Cuban people is being left out, the Cuban-Americans, and the Americans with properties in Cuba are also excluded.

Payá named the Project as "Proyecto Varela" because the Father Felix Varela was elected as Deputy to the Courts in 1821.

Under the rule of Nicolas Mahy, Cubans celebrated the first election to send Deputies to the Spanish Courts, they elected as Deputies three revered Cubans, Tomas Gener, Leonardo Santos Suarez and Father Felix Varela who defeated the Spaniard candidates. This election caused a commotion on the Island and a big disappointment in Spain. Those Deputies tried to make a good job serving their country in the Spanish Courts, but all their attempts and proposals were presented in vain, due to the intransigence of the Spanish parliamentarians, whom denied the Cubans all the Rights about the government of the Island.

That group of Delegates was expulsed from the Courts and because of this they had to live a life of persecution as political exiles, they had to leave Spain andwere unable to return to Cuba legally. Father Varela lived in San Agustin, a small town in the State of Florida for many years and he died there in 1853, withoutstopping for a minute his work and fight for Cuba’s independence as a convinced separatist.

As you can see there is a precedent to the "Proyecto Varela" and it was no other than the Father Felix Varela who tried to do his emancipator work from within the enemy’s territory, the Spanish Courts. But no matter how talented and how good he and the other delegates were as politicians, they could not achieve any of their goals in favor of Cuba’s independence due tothe intransigence of the rest of the Delegates of the Court.

Another article on which Payá bases his Project is Art. 66 "The strict following of the Constitution and its lawsis inexcusable duty of everyone." If you follow Art. 62 strictly, this article would be redundant. We Cubans can not successfully leap from Totalitarianism to a Democracy without first learning the art of consensus and political coalitions and this will only be achieved after the disappearance of the Tyranny and the Communist Party it represents with it.

The Constitutional Reform approved in June 26,2002 with a "Referendum" made by Castro with the "signatures" of 8,198,237 electors: Art. 137 "...and it is proposed that the socialist characteristics and the political and social system contained within be declared irrevocable, as a dignified and categorical answer to the exigencies and threats of the imperialist government of the United States in May 20, 2002." with this,the Tyrant tried to close the loophole on the 1976 Constitution, but he did notderogated Art. 88 (page 19) on which the "Proyecto" is based, leaving the door open to the "Proyecto Varela".

This is why we think that Castro will use the "Proyecto Varela" as an escape door for him and his closer followers, if the United States liftsthe embargo, Castro will achieve an Icon status among the Left and the Communists only compared with that of Ernesto "Che" Guevara whom he left without resources in order to get rid of him in Bolivia‘s wilderness,it will be his greatest political victory and the Communist Party of Cuba will perpetuate itself in power as have the Peoples Republic of China’s Party.

We do not want this for the future of our Island Nation, and we are sure the United States representing the rest of the Western Free World does not want it neither. Cuba before 1959 was an allied of the United States, not an enemy who sends spies even to the heart of the Intelligence Agency in the Government, the Defense Intelligence Agency or DIA. There are several ties that put Cuba closer to the United States than to any other country in the Hemisphere like the time when the Aristocrat Ladies of Havana made a fundraising event where they sold their precious jewels in order to raise some money and thus buy guns and ammunitions that they could send to the American Patriots that were trying to free their country from the English Monarchy. Another example the Father Felix Varela besides building hospitals for the poor, Churches and Cathedrals , was a beloved Mayor of the State of New York.

There are other alternatives to achieve our Homeland’s freedom inside of Cuba among the Opposition ranks, one is the Assembly to Promote the Civil Society with Martha Beatriz Roque as one of the members of the Group of Organization and Coordination of such Assembly of three hundred and eight different Organizations (worth several thousand oppositionists) sending a message of 1) opposition tothe actual regimen; 2) freedom to the political prisoners; 3) respect of the Human Rights from the Government: 4) democratic freedoms; and 5) no discrimination of the Cubans respective to foreigners. They are against the lifting of the embargo and they do not believe that it is possible to make changes from "within the law."

Another opposition leader with worldwide respect was re-incarcerated thirty seven days after being liberated from prison, his name is Dr. Oscar Elias Biscet and he is a pacifist, antiabortion, catholic activist who was sent to jail for three years for protesting outside of the Hospital he used to work because of the excessive amount of abortions that were performed there. He participated in the famous "Tamarindo 37 fast" with several opposition leaders and is a believer of Martin Luther King and Mahatma Gandhi's peaceful practices of civil disobedience. Dr. Oscar Elias Biscet’s wife stated in an interview by journalist Maria Marquez that she signed the "Proyecto Varela" without knowing its content because she thought that she was doing something against Castro, something for Cuba’s freedom and know after studying it she as her husband does,is against the "Proyecto Varela."

"Credulity is the patrimony of the ignorant. The experience and the reasoning are the only sources or rules of the knowledge."

"...can not boast himself of being a Patriot he who wants to subdue the society to unnecessary experiments." "...the most cruel of despotism is the one exercised under the mask of Freedom."
- Father Felix Varela

" We are free, but, not to be evil, not to be indifferent to human suffering,not to profit from the people, from the work created and sustained through their spirit of political association, while refusing to contribute to the politicalstate from which we all profit. Once again we must say no! Man is not free to be an impassive witness to the enslavement and dishonor of other men, nor their struggles for liberty and honor."

" The world is divided into two fields: one is filled with those who hate freedom because they want it only for themselves. The other is filled with those who love freedom and want it for everyone."
- Jose Martí

" Rebellion to Tyrants is obedience to God."
- Thomas Jefferson


"Proyecto Varela"
"Cuba’s Constitutions"
"Motivos y culpables de la destrucción de Cuba" by José Lopez Vilaboy.
"El Cantar de Marti" by Hubert Perez Mariño
"Felix Varela, Frases de sabiduria" by Dr. Rafael B. Abislaiman

Analysis and Project translated and prepared by:
New Generation Cuba’s Board of Directors

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