
MITRANS Announces Digitalization of Traveler’s Border Entry Form

Starting January 1, 2022, paper border entry forms will not be used any more. The information required for entry to the island will only be accepted online

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HAVANA, Cuba. – Cuba’s Ministry of Transportation (MITRANS by its Spanish acronym) informed this Thursday that the border entry forms for foreign travelers can be filled out online through the digital system D’Viajeros.

“This application, available on the website www.dviajeros.mitrans.gob.cu, will make travel for visitors to our country easier, and will provide information to speed up transactions at the various points of entry,” informed the official daily Granma.

(Credit: Screenshot)

In order to fill out the entry form online, travelers must have available general information, as well as immigration, health and customs information.

Once the form is completed, it must be sent via e-mail in document format PDF with the code QR, which the traveler must show upon entering the country, be it digital or printed.

(Credit: Screenshot)

To that end, the ministry informed that “starting January 1, 2022, paper entry forms will not be accepted, which makes it compulsory to fill out the form digitally from that day forward. Starting November 15 and until December 31 of this year, the digital entry form will be available in order for people to gain experience using it.”

MITRANS emphasized that “it is compulsory for each traveler who arrives in the country to complete truthfully the information and to submit it to Office of Identification, Immigration and Alien Affairs, to General Customs, and to the Ministry of Public Health.

(Credit: Screenshot)

The government also modified the COVID-19 prevention protocol, and eliminated the required quarantine of travelers arriving in Cuba, although they must have complied with vaccination protocols or have proof of a negative PCR test.

Read in spanish here.

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Orlando González

Periodista independiente. Reside en La Habana.

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Etiquetas: MITRANS

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